I like this angel on my tree, cos she's not looking perfect, her hair is a little dishevelled and she looks a little wild or maybe the word is free?
That's how we are sometimes, cos no, there's no 'perfect' all the time, we can 'try', but we'll never reach perfection while being human!
I've replaced the term mental health to PEACEFUL HEALTH
Isn't that what we all strive for? Meditation every day? Or expressing ourselves, but no matter how we try, there's always going to be things that push our buttons.
That's when growth comes in, opening ourselves to seeing things in other ways - asking ourselves 'how' we can make something better, a relationship or systems of our homes or work
No, I don't like the term 'Mental Health'!
see why here...
But I digress...
Writing down our 'wants' of life or biz is so important!
Lets fast forward to New Years Day...Perfect time for planning the year? For planning a brilliant year!
You know I've seen all these ads for 'get this book and achieve your wildest dreams' yes, and I've yawned, then I've wondered and maybe bought, but none of it made sense to me? And nothing happened for me
Then I came across Leonie
Yep she's free, she's a little bit crazy ( I don't think she'll mind me saying that, cos she says it about herself too!)
But, you know the secret of what she encourages?
It's bringing out YOU
It's putting YOU on the page with all your wildest dreams! (you know those big ones even you don't admit to yourself?
Believe me, we are powerful, we are amazing when we allow ourselves to 'be' exactly who we are and dream ourselves into reality.
Now, I wouldn't have believed that putting things down in these books would actually work? not like they do...but yep they do!
When I look back through last years book its a revelation!
Cos so many things I wrote down have happened! WHAT is this magic thing? look here
Just this year, I have developed so many products a book on Amazon, a Course, a 50 piece Card Deck, growing my business, figured out mail chimp (believe me that can take a while)!
Numerous other things, personal and biz it's amazing! So much learning, reading, working - let me tell you though, these books don't do it themselves - It is up to you! But, what a fantastic feeling it is to look back and see how far you've come, and all those 'wishes' of yours on the page there, and now in reality!
Did that put you off, come on,
You can do it! - Give something special to yourself this next year ! make it an awesome year
Please, please, please, give yourself exactly what you want, by filling these books in, you will not regret it here's the link, yes I will get paid too, but believe me so will you! in so many crazy amazing ways, that you'll think 'why didn't I do this earlier?
I want you to be free too, to love your life in whatever way you want to here's the link take a look for yourself...YES I WANT THE PLANNERS NOW!
Hey just imagine what an amazing world it would be if everyone was doing what they're passionate about? Just imagine that, imagine all the people living in peace, you may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one...
Who am I? I'm Sally Hope Woodroffe, a Professional, Registered Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Artist, Musician, Singer-Songwriter, prolific creative woman, creating 'in my own way' a better world - Go to my website for more details of how to book an appointment so that you too can create 'your perfect world too!' Or here's my numbers, simply give me a ring! 01686 430503-mobile 07922828903 or leave a message - Yes you can have it all! Speak soon - Sally
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