I love the beauty of this time of year
From the close up, the Hoar frost making amazing patterns, to the distant beauty of crisp bright skies and frozen mountains. Yes I know I live in an amazing place, and though I hate being cold, there's something about the winter, and 'hibernating' that I kind of like.
I'm so grateful to have fuel, food, warmth, internet, work and play! a comfy settee to snuggle into while watching TV, or reading or working on another book, which I love to do. So many things lined up, to use my time, to work on.
I'm so grateful to be successful in what I do!
I've had a great year! But, I'm not saying it hasn't been hard work, and confusing sometimes BUT, if you keep on, towards what you WANT systematically, you WILL get there
Just look at this wonderful view from the top of a local mountain!
That's it really, if you look close up, and into the distance, and really plan everything, then you're halfway there!
So what are your goals for the next year?
How can you expect to get what you want, if you don't think about it, or decide what it is, that you want?
If you're looking for a perfect gift, I recommend Leonie Dawsons planners
Why? Cos I use them! I know they work! They've worked for me the last 3 years, and even if you get stuck, there's always others using them too, to ask!
Go ahead buy the whole lot!
They’ve landed! Leonie Dawson’s incredible 2017 Create Your Shining Year Workbooks are HERE! http://bit.ly/2gAapPk
Okay, there's the Life Planner, Biz Planner, (plus wall chart) and Diary, or just order the whole lot, you WILL want them!
Why? Cos I use them! I know they work! They've worked for me the last 3 years, and even if you get stuck, there's always others using them too, to ask!
Go ahead buy the whole lot!
They’ve landed! Leonie Dawson’s incredible 2017 Create Your Shining Year Workbooks are HERE! http://bit.ly/2gAapPk
Okay, there's the Life Planner, Biz Planner, (plus wall chart) and Diary, or just order the whole lot, you WILL want them!
It's not about just the planning, it's about reviewing! OVER AND OVER!
What is it they say:
'A millionaire reviews their goals once a day' but...
'A billionaire reviews them twice a day'
Okay, okay re-read that! NOW!
Do you realise, how important that statement is?
Or are you just going to be out of control, and attempt to do the lottery one more time!
Do something practical instead, click on the link below, and be in control of your life!
Forget resolutions (they never last!) Create an incredible 2017 with this: http://bit.ly/2gAapPk
Honestly, what's the odd's of winning the lottery huh?
Okay, I've done it in the past, but huh no, Give that up now! You're far better off working towards what you want yourself - It is attainable!
Do something practical instead, click on the link below, and be in control of your life!
Forget resolutions (they never last!) Create an incredible 2017 with this: http://bit.ly/2gAapPk
Honestly, what's the odd's of winning the lottery huh?
Okay, I've done it in the past, but huh no, Give that up now! You're far better off working towards what you want yourself - It is attainable!
Hey do you know? - Only one percent of people Plan and Review, and guess what! They are among the top earners! Coincidence? I think not...
You plan something, you'll get there, as long as you don't give up, as long as you keep reviewing, and moving forward - honestly you will
I've found these books awesome! They keep me right on track, and I can collect all my dreams, ideas, plans and 'how to' reach them step by step. One of my mentors used to say 'Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail'! lol and she's dead right!
Cos it's hard to keep on track of everything, without writing the dargon things down! This is not woo woo or hippy, but good solid honest business sense!
I've found these books awesome! They keep me right on track, and I can collect all my dreams, ideas, plans and 'how to' reach them step by step. One of my mentors used to say 'Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail'! lol and she's dead right!
Cos it's hard to keep on track of everything, without writing the dargon things down! This is not woo woo or hippy, but good solid honest business sense!
Things are really looking up for me since I started using these, and really they can be for you too!
Here's the link again one more time to have your own lovely planners, yes, I am an affiliate, that means that if you buy, I get paid too! That is one of the cool things about Leonie, her planners, and her Academy! But, I would never recommend anything I didn't believe in! I've been using them for three years now and I love em!
Make 2017 your best year yet in life or biz! http://bit.ly/2gAapPk
I'm recommending the planners because quite simply they work!
I'm witness to that!
In any profession you want!
Whatever your 'joy' is, you can create a business around it, or create an awesome life! Your choice
Make 2017 your best year yet in life or biz! http://bit.ly/2gAapPk
I'm recommending the planners because quite simply they work!
I'm witness to that!
In any profession you want!
Whatever your 'joy' is, you can create a business around it, or create an awesome life! Your choice
Absolutely anywhere!
Get them while you can, before stocks run out hurry! I promise you, you're gonna love and devour them both, the biz and the life planner!
Don't miss out, make this your fantastic best year ever!
Final day to get them in time for Christmas pressies!
Fantastic guide for teenage girls and women
Or just treat yourself...! http://bit.ly/2gAapPk
Who am I? I'm Sally Hope Woodroffe, a Professional, Registered Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Artist, Musician, Singer-Songwriter, prolific creative woman, creating 'in my own way' a better world - Go to my website for more details of how to book an appointment so that you too can create 'your perfect world too!' Or here's my numbers, simply give me a ring! 01686 430503-mobile 07922828903 or leave a message - Yes you can have it all! Speak soon - Sally
Get them while you can, before stocks run out hurry! I promise you, you're gonna love and devour them both, the biz and the life planner!
Don't miss out, make this your fantastic best year ever!
Final day to get them in time for Christmas pressies!
Fantastic guide for teenage girls and women
Or just treat yourself...! http://bit.ly/2gAapPk
Who am I? I'm Sally Hope Woodroffe, a Professional, Registered Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Artist, Musician, Singer-Songwriter, prolific creative woman, creating 'in my own way' a better world - Go to my website for more details of how to book an appointment so that you too can create 'your perfect world too!' Or here's my numbers, simply give me a ring! 01686 430503-mobile 07922828903 or leave a message - Yes you can have it all! Speak soon - Sally
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