Tuesday, 13 September 2016

And chill...


Everyone gets to a point, when they just have to stop

You run out of steam and need to recharge your batteries!

And I should know better! But we all do that don’t we? Not recognize, you don’t have to be superwoman, you need a break sometimes!

Well it’s been a learning curve! For me.  On the day we left my new Card Deck arrived! And wow I was so excited!  But, we were just setting off for holiday for a whole week, yes, of not working, and yes of not talking about or doing any work!
Here's a quick preview...

That’s the trouble with something you’re passionate about? How do you just ‘stop’?

I swear, me and my husband hardly spoke, cos we were both there, biting our lip, and just ‘being’ ha ha! I tell you what, when you’re running your own business’s that’s so difficult to do, no don’t even mention it!  Well we were suffering colds too!

I think the worst thing was, having those cards and resisting looking at them, well, I did once! But I knew, if I did again, it would not be a holiday at all and my mind would carry on at a million miles per hour!

That’s passion for you!

And I’m pleased, that I am passionate about my life and work, cos looking around on holiday, its’ like this is what everyone else does, for their only holiday in the year, because, they don’t enjoy what they do as a job, or I like to call it a life!

That is what my whole life has been like, I’ve sacrificed some ‘things’ for ‘being me’ which I’ve never regretted, I believe life is so precious, and will not sacrifice it to becoming ‘not me’

Always said I’m stubborn! Oh and I loved the beach walks every day, searching for sea glass, bathing in the sun and sea – but no, I don’t enjoy the throng of tourists, who have so much to say all the time, non- stop, or the tourist shops with so much ‘stuff’ you cannot imagine who’d buy?


This is the stuff, I’m decluttering, I’m moving out with clean, bright, lines throughout my house.

You realise, it’s the simple things of life that are the best, that give you the most, people you love and who love you, the warmth, the cosyness, the sea, maybe cos it’s opposite to the green hills of home.

Yeah it’s like our passions, are part of us, we’ve been developing them for so long, it just dos’nt compute to put it down for a week.  And really, I’m grateful it was only a week, after getting back I was like a taughtly pulled elastic band! And that says something after feeling like you need a holiday

All I can say is, I love my life, I love my work, all aspects of it along with my home and family.  Sometimes it’s only when you go away you can truly appreciate what you have.

When is the last time you had a true break? It’s a very important time to reflect and chill, to come back with energy and a view of the bigger picture

This is from the chilled out desk of mine, covered in sea glass and ahhhhh

Who am I?  I'm Sally Hope Woodroffe a Professional, Registered Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Artist, Musician, Singer Songwriter, prolific creative woman hopefully creating a better world in many ways. 
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