Monday, 23 May 2016

Let me hear you say 'I've got this' 49 steps to Princess Power NOW!


I’ve been hearing so many questions from you
About health, anxiety or just about simply being happy!

Or what about your business life, or family, nurturing them and yourself?

Improving self-esteem for your kids, or prioritising your workload and home!

‘Wow it’s making me feel dizzy’, that’s how you’re feeling? huh

The confidence to know that, YES YOU’RE DOING IT ALL OKAY!

I just want to say here…It’s all going to be okay!
Look I know, I’m a Mum, and yes I know, being a parent is one of the hardest most challenging (and wonderful) things you can ever do! 

I understand, really I do, been there, yes I’ve wondered if I’m doing it right in the past too – if only we could have a parenting rule book? Eh 

Then there’s relationships, let’s face it, it’s all to do with relationships isn’t it?

I’m one of those that believes that love is what’s needed in most situations, pure love I’m talking about, not ego based or ‘WOW’ maybe I should replace that word ‘love’ with ‘care’? – if only for ourselves and others who we care about

The thing is, I know I don’t know you, but, I do truly care, because I feel, we all share this world, and in that sense we are all connected – we need that connection with others, to feel ‘our tribe’ our sort of people.

You know that, most of this ‘stuff’ is found within ourselves, our confidence? Our Self-worth – ‘how’ we think of ourselves – cos if we start the discussion with ourselves, okay that sounds cranky? but bear with me, we begin to learn how to treat others by how to treat ourselves!  It all begins with ourselves

You knew I was going to say that right? 

So…this is ‘how’ I was thinking, while developing this course – cos there’s a lot of world out there, a lot of people, I know ‘need this’ THIS IS FOR YOU!
Yes, you can now feel relieved and ‘YES THERE IS A WAY!’

And I can show you, BUT, you’ve got to put your all into this too baby!

You only get out of something what you put in, and YES


I want you TO DO THIS, I want to then hear you say…

‘Yes I’ve got this!’

And… ‘you know what? this is MY choice and I’m confident about it!’


‘I need time out, to care for myself’ absolutely no apology, no justification needed, that’s just how it is!


‘I’ve planned this; I know exactly what to do next’


‘Dealing with teenagers? heck I’ve really got this!’

You CAN be the adult while still honouring your inner child

Honestly, sweet thing, you don’t have to be like Cinderella anymore!


Enter Princess… that’s what you always thought you should be treated like right? With respect, love, care, all the good things in life and feeling confident in who you are

Here right now…just 7 weeks, or 49 days, or steps, yes I did that book at school

49 steps to re-find yourself – you are a Princess

49 steps to feel like a role model of confidence, like a Princess

49 steps to choose happiness, and any other decisions in life, like a Princess

It’s ALL here for you
 What’s in the box?  Everything you need

Self-worth written exercises to find ‘who you are’ to decide ‘who you want to be’

Meditations, audio to take away the anxiety you feel, to make you feel wonderful

Talks that will show you, change your way of thinking, look at things in another way

Show you the way to loving yourself, it’s okay, truly it is

Everything’s going to be OKAY

Who am I?  I'm Sally Hope Woodroffe a Professional, Registered Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Artist, Musician, Singer Songwriter, prolific creative woman hopefully creating a better world in many ways. 
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