What Procrastination, who me?
No matter what good intentions we may have,
a new year’s resolution, a plan to start exercising, to look at our own
problems, to learn, to start that course etc. – there’s so many other things, to
take our time during the day…
Add to that, children, work, husbands etc.,
then we wake up two weeks later and think…
on a minute, I’d forgotten all about that, and I’d really promised myself to do
this…! And I didn’t even start!’
It takes a strong woman, no, really it
does, to keep on track of what you want to do!
And know that, that very action is what differentiates us, from those
that stay in the same rut, always dreaming never taking action, and reaching
what we want to!
But, it’s okay, don’t beat yourself up, cos
you are here now, NOW you can do something about it!
But before we do, let’s look at what else
is taking over your mind. You subscribe
to a really cool writing course, that sends you a free group, and daily work to
do, you want to help back others, friends and email them, your notifications
send you an email every comment, every time anybody makes any move at all!
Before you know it you have 20 emails
coming in every day that takes half an hour to sort and deal with, it’s like you’ve
created your own world of procrastination!
Maybe that competition you entered that you WON! A free course, that
still sits in your downloads waiting to be started, waiting for your
commitment, waiting to move you forward…
Get off the internet! NOW, move away from that email list, Facebook,
whatever it is…and focus
What are the blocks that stop you from the
very action that will take you forward?
Is it all the background noise going on
around you? Maybe you have to cull your
emails, focus on each step, one step at a time.
You’re not really giving yourself the best chance otherwise.
Are you scared to move forward? Ask yourself why? Won’t your relationship, job, situation be so
much better when you do? What is it that scares you? Why stay, in what you don’t want?
Change, that is the only thing we can depend
on, and if you dig you’re heels in, you will stagnate, it’s a moving world, you
need to move with it. Begin to believe
in yourself, you are worthy, you are ‘allowed’ your dreams and all that is
needed is your focus…one small step by another small step
So, yes it’s okay, okay to slip, to not
even start, but as my mentor said once,
is, not getting back up again’
And I really do believe you can do this, so
make the commitment, say a time each day or week to commit to it, you really
have got this! Any further thoughts please
do get in touch – I wish you big progress.
And if you are unsure of which way to go, then come and join us here
for some inspiration, something for everyone, and check out my new course to
really move forward ‘Cinderella to Princess’ and let’s begin NOW… I’ve got your back